Joyce Murphy

Joyce Murphy

Maine, U.S.A.

Being in that cute yellow boat makes me smile. So does writing for Wakeout! I fell into freelancing over five years ago after decades of working in the community and as an online nurse educator.

Check out the latest posts
Joyce Murphy

6 Wall Exercises That'll WoW Your Day!

Take a look around--you're surrounded by some topnotch exercise equipment. Sure, its immovable, yet always available. Welcome to the WoW of wall exercises! They'll perk you up, improve your posture, and build show-off abs and thighs. Move over treadmills, the walls have you beat!

Joyce Murphy

7 Ways to Unplug & Recharge!

Gadgets here, there, and almost everywhere. What's a weary worker to do? Time to unplug! This is about recharging, preventing burnout, and unleashing creativity and the ability to dream beyond the typical. Are you ready? Renewal is a 7-minute read away.

Joyce Murphy

How Burnout Can Damage Relationships

Burnout--if its effects on work weren't bad enough, it has a way of creeping into your personal life. Relationships can get tense. Or dissolve altogether. Fortunately, there are ways to head off this beast before it gets the best of you--or someone you care about.

Joyce Murphy

Physical Wealth = Fiscal Health

It's important to be aware of the benefits of being physically healthy. It sure keeps you motivated. Have you considered the financial gains you can make because you're healthy? Here's an overview to reflect on as you further expand your physical wealth!

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